At BlackHillsGoldSource, nobody expects more from us than us.
We are very interested in knowing what you think and how we can serve you better. So we’ve just added an exciting new feature to our website.
Now YOU can write a review on our website and tell us what you think of our products!
It’s simple. Just go to our website at, find your product from one of our categories or by entering the SKU# in the search box, go to the product page, and then click the little blue “Write a review” link on the lower left.
A new section will drop down where you can enter the following fields:
- your product rating on a scale from 1 to 5 (5 being the best)
- the title of your review
- your product review (make it brief or long – your choice!)
- your name (your first name is fine)
- your email address (will not be published!)
- enter the captcha code – so we know you’re human 😉
- Then just click the “Submit” button and you’re done.
Our mission at BlackHillsGoldSource is to offer the best Black Hills Gold jewelry at the best prices and to offer the best service to our valued customers and to make your shopping experience a pleasure.
Please let us know how we are doing!
Please comment here or on our Facebook page. We would love to hear from you.
Thank you!