Cheyenne Frontier Days is Underway

FrontierDays bannerWell, Cheyenne’s Frontier Days rodeo and celebration kicked off last Friday and things are well underway, and two days of exciting championship bull-riding have already just finished up. You can see the current results here:

Championship Bull Riding, Inc. (CBR) began in 2002 as an alternative bull riding organization to give riders more opportunities to earn a living riding bulls.

And tonight at 8:00pm Reba McEntire is on stage with special guests Rodney Atkins and Hunter Hayes. Reba’s musical career has produced over 55 million in worldwide album sales, 63 Top 10 hits and the #1 TV sitcom for 6 consecutive years on two networks. Tickets are still available!

Check the schedule for upcoming shows and events:

Good luck to all the contestants!

Cheyenne Frontier Days, “The Daddy of them ALL” is an outdoor rodeo and western celebration held annually since 1897 in Cheyenne, Wyoming, USA

Mount Rushmore 2012 Independence Day Celebration

For those of you who were fortunate enough to see the July 4th fireworks at Mount Rushmore in the past, hold onto those memories because for the third consecutive year the National Park Service (NPS) has decided that fireworks will not be included in the celebration. Especially this year, with the wildfires that have devastated Colorado and other parts of the west, this may be inconvenient but is clearly essential.

“Mount Rushmore has successfully proven they can provide an outstanding July 3 celebration, in collaboration with Black Hills communities that can safely offer fireworks shows… Providing a celebration without fireworks for the 2012 Independence Day Celebration is the prudent course of action”, said NPS Regional Director Michael Reynolds.

You can download the Mount Rushmore National Memorial News Release here:  Fireworks Eliminated from Independence Day Celebration (October 17, 2011) Continue reading

Historic Deadwood in the Black Hills of South Dakota

Old Deadwood postcardI just spotted a great new article on the Toronto Sun about Deadwood, South Dakota. Author Wayne Newton delves into what he discovered at the Adams Museum in town:

“While Eastern-style honesty might not have been a hallmark of Deadwood when it was set up as a rogue mining camp in the Dakota territory during the 1800s, integrity and frankness have become hallmarks at a museum, which should be the starting point for tourists who truly want to appreciate Deadwood and its colourful, controversial history.”

Read the whole article at: